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Black's Readers Service Company

The Works of Victor Hugo, One Volume Edition

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Anthology The Fallen Veil; Zara, the Bather; Gastibelza; The Feast of Freedom; The Grandmother; The Giant in Glee; The Cymbaleer's Bride; Children of Cain; Eviradnus; No Baptism; March of the Halberdiers; Hero of Gentle Mien; Night and a Cabin; Song of the Gilders; Saga of the Beast; The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Short Last Days of a Condemned Man; Claude Guex King of Thieves; Monster and Infanticide; A Woman of the Streets; Fieschi the Explorer; Lecomte the Assassin; Henri the Regicide; The Crypt of Pain; Count Mortier the Madman; An Over-Night Criminal; Praslin, Duchess-Slayer Hubert, the Spy; The Ninety-Four Thousand Franc Fraud. Capital Punishment; The Minds and the Masses; The Face of Cain; The Souls; Mirabeau; Voltaire; Sir Walter Scott.
Author(s): Victor Hugo
Publication year: 1928
Binding: Hardback
Language: En
Publisher: Blacks Readers Service
Weight: 3.0 lb